Let your soul speak



We are Mark & Julia.

‘SEVA’ means selfless service and that’s exactly what we aim to offer. Inspiring positive change we teach you how to live a joy-filled life from the inside out.

“Our philosophy is about you, supporting you on your journey of self-discovery.”

What we do.

Online Meditation

Group & Therapy Yoga

Kirtan & Chanting

Workshops, Events & Retreats

Kind Words from Our Students

“A paragon of patience and good humour”.

“A natural gift for focusing on the client's abilities and requirements”.

“Lessons are always a fulfilling experience”.

“Ideas and experiences which I found profoundly moving”.

Joy-filled life

Distilling years of study, passion and learning into all that we offer. We know modern life can feel tough at times, but we want to help you find peace to live a joy-filled life.

Life is good.

Yoga and meditation are for everyone, it asks nothing of you, only that you be present. If you can breathe, then you can do yoga and meditate.